Night light Pink noises MyDodo

£43.00 £0.00

MyDodo, what is it?

MyDodo is a very gentle sleep aid that emits "pink noises". Baby recognizes these pink noises because they are frequencies similar to the noises inside his mother's belly during the 9 months of pregnancy. This is why, when myDodo starts to grumble, your baby calms down gently, calms down to fall asleep better. Whether your little one suffers from colic or has difficulty falling asleep, myDodo will become your baby's new best friend to soothe him in all circumstances!

It was a cold, rainy night... Anna was standing, exhausted... Again the same pattern: Her little piece in one arm, a hair dryer in the other. It was the only way to make him sleep! She rocked him gently as the hair dryer rattled in the dark, it was 3am. As her eyes finally close, Anna had the idea of ​​combining the sound of the hair dryer with a soft stuffed animal to put next to baby. myDodo was born.


myHummy basic sound device


White and pink noises have a soothing effect on babies and help them fall asleep better by masking surrounding noises that may disturb them. myDodo emits 5 types of white and pink noise .


The sound device emits the chosen sound at the chosen volume for 60 minutes, then gently turns off, so that your baby is not awakened by this sudden silence.

Allows your child to manage the micro-alarm clocks on their own

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Nocturnal micro-awakenings are frequent and normal in children. MyDodo intervenes at this time. The objective is to put your child back to sleep as soon as possible because the more time passes, the more your child comes out of his sleep phase. For 90% of children and babies, the only contact with the plush will put them to sleep again. For the most recalcitrant, a pink noise can be played to soothe it thanks to its ease of use

A solution approved by doctors and psychologists.

Pink Noises have been studied for a long time in 2022 on the conditions of babies and children by many psychologists and doctors before being approved by all health experts . Before falling asleep at night or going back to sleep after a micro-alarm clock , your child needs to be in the best conditions to calm down. There are several solutions : stick him against you, give him a bottle, rock him, sing him a song, offer him a MyDodo soft toy.